Here are some of the great benefits of Keychain Access. This can also be credited more to lack of user understanding and ignorance of the features and benefits of Keychain Access. This can be attributed to the sometimes poor reputation that Keychain has gained amongst Mac Users as more of a nuisance, than of value. One of Apple's unique and not as well known built-in utilities, Keychain Access, does not receive the credit it is due. A secure environment is only as good as the knowledge the user has to keep it secure. Do lots of reading on security for OS's to improve your knowledge of the do's and don'ts. Windows security is Lame to say the least and takes much more diligence keeping it secure.

If you are using Windows make sure that you use a quality, proven anti-virus software, surf the internet wisely and pay attention to what you download. Under all OS's besides Windows this is the norm. When administrative rights are needed have the OS ask for the Admin password so that when that process is complete admin access is revoked.

Always create a standard user and log in as that user. Windows when installed automatically makes the first user the administrator with full access rights to the computer all the time. Click on that Icon and click on the Search to show it on Finder.Well you bring up a good question that has many avenues to look at and it all depends on your operating system, Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOSX? The first thing to do on any OS you might have is secure the administrative rights of the computer.

Click on the Arrow down icon to download the Plugin and the Download process should be showed on the top right corner. Open up Safari and enter the IP of DVR and you will be asked to download the Plugin. Go to Finder and Search for WebClient and delete it. If you have connected to QT DVR from this MAC system previously, you will need to delete the older WebClient plugin. How do I connect to my QT series DVR after I upgrade the Firmware to version 3.1.9 from MAC 10.7 and Safari 5.1 1.